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Jawatan Kosong Pemandu Peribadi Pengurusan Syarikat - 03 Ogos 2016

Jawatan kosong terkini di Moccis Furniture Sdn Bhd. Permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk mengisi kekosongan jawatan kosong terkini yang ditawarkan oleh Moccis Furniture Sdn Bhd sebagai:

1. Pemandu Peribadi Pengurusan Syarikat 

Majikan : Moccis Furniture Sdn Bhd
Alamat : 32 & 34, Lorong 6E/91, Taman Shamelin Perkasa, 56100 Kuala Lumpur

Deskripsi/ Tugasan:
- Bekerja Isnin - Jumaat.
- Membawa Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif ke destinasi yang diminta (Urusan Kerja / Bukan Urusan Kerja).
- Bertanggungjawab diatas kenderaan yang dibawa termasuk kebersihan
(memastikan kereta dibasuh dan sentiasa berada dalam keadaan bersih dan
kemas) dan penyelenggaraan kereta (termasuk memastikan kereta diservice dan
dibaiki pada masanya).
- Menjalankan tugas-tugas syarikat seperti yang diarahkan dari semasa ke semasa.

Syarat dan kelayakan :
- SPM, STPM atau lain-lain.
- Umur 22 tahun dan keatas.
- Mempunyai pengalaman sebagai Pemandu Peribadi (Kelebihan & Keutamaan).
- Mempunyai Lesen memandu yang sah (D).
- Mempunyai rekod memandu yang bersih dan tiada rekod jenayah.
- Mahir jalan sekitar Kuala Lumpur, Selangor dan Lembah Klang.
- Sentiasa bersiap sedia untuk menerima dan menjalankan arahan tugas yang di berikan.
- Berdisplin (kemas dan sopan) jujur, amanah dan menepati masa.
- Rajin bekerja dan sanggup bekerja lebih masa.

Cara Memohon :
Sila emailkan resume lengkap (Bergambar) anda kepada

Negeri : Kuala Lumpur
Sektor : Swasta
Tarikh tutup permohonan pada 03 Ogos 2016

Jawatan Kosong Moccis

Info Syarikat/ Majikan :
Moccis Furniture Sdn Bhd (MFSB) is a 100% wholly-owned Bumiputeracompany established in 1987 and is well known locally as one of the pioneers infurniture manufacturing industry especially for chairs, sofas and banquet furnituresystem. All these products are manufactured using fabrics and other materials such asplastic (PP) and even fibre glass or recycled wood eco material of superior quality anddurability using Green Technology system in our manufacturing process. Our businesstraits especially the our commitment to customer care, is the companys main prioritynot to mention; the attention to detail in our manufacturing process and stringentquality control for our products, together with our value-added services such as interiordesign and decoration consultancy.

The care taken in furnishing the best and the upmost superior quality in terms ofdesign, workmanship and finishing touch to meet the most discerning taste of our clientis our testament in providing the best quality services and products to our customers atlarge. To this effect, MFSB as such has attained the ISO 9001 : 2008 Quality ManagementSystem for the Manufacture of Office Furniture from SIRIM Berhad and hasemerged as one of the leading players in the local furniture industry which the companyshall strive to make its brand known by all in our beloved country to this very day. Ourtheme for 2016 is Towards a Liveable Office Space where we have moved to a newconcept of Well-Being and Humanity from just 'Fulfilling Your Furniture Needs' towardsa liveable & healthy office seating solution. In utilizing the key words of 'Focus,Collaborate, Learn, and Socialize' as our work-modes within a workplace, training oroffice environment; thus in achieving prosperity and mindfulness as such leading to ahigh performance & high productivity as the end result.

All MFSB products has undergone extensive and stringent quality furniture-labtesting and therefore has passed with a certificate of authenticity for Quality andDurability from FRIM and FITEC respectively. All of our products are Made in Malaysia,using local materials and components which are supplied and distributed to our localmarket either in the Government or Private sectors. In 2007, MFSB has taken a leapstep forward by entering in the field of Wood based furniture design and custom madefabrication for our product range in order to cater the ever growing market and robustdemand for quality custom made chairs and Built-In furniture ranging from kitchencabinets to wardrobes for homes, hotels and commercial residence.

Attesting to this, thus in 2008 MFSB was awarded Best Vendor by the MARAFurniture Technology Resource Centre (FITEC) and until today is one of the officialPanel Central Contract suppliers appointed from the Ministry of Finance and theMinistry of Education for the supply of Fabric based Office Chair to all the governmentministries and agencies throughout Malaysia.

Therefore, MFSBs vision and mission is to move forward and expand its wings viaits business objectives from a locally renowned brand to an internationally brand ofglobal recognition in the immediate future. We believe with our dedicated managementteam and untiring effort of our staffs, we shall consistently strive to upgrade our serviceand furniture products to the highest quality in terms of aesthetic value plus continuousimprovement towards providing a total customer satisfaction and global recognition.

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